Sunday, August 16, 2009

Sunday 8-9-09

So Sunday was determined to be a day of rest. But we first made a trip into the woods at 6am. We spotted more deer and turkey. We shot some photos and video of some bear as well. It is a difficult time to really get any wildlife movement. The heat has really kept everything at bay. We made some attempts into the brush but I am not the best at being stealthy in the weeds and brush and the overgrown foliage was extremely difficult to manoeuvre through. We stayed for about 3 hours and we did manage to shoot some stills.
Once done we headed out to the coast. We spent a considerable amount of time on Alligator Island looking for reptiles. We were successful in finding a few good participants that lent us the opportunity to take some shots. But they didn't stay long though. It was not an easy shoot on Alligator Island. It has been the one place to date that we experienced an onslaught of humans coming and going. Access to the refuge and it's canals are very public and very accessible not only by dirt road but paved road as well.
Each time we would have a good shot and move in we would be interrupted by a vehicle driving by. Although the road was 50 to 100 yards away it was graveled and it made plenty of noise. Needless to say our subjects were startled off by the noise.

We were getting pretty discouraged and felt we were fighting a losing battle. So we decided to head further east and we spent the rest of the day at Nags Head, NC. And that’s the story for the day. Sunburn, shrimp and crabs (the good kind).

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